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Academic Articles

Pailhès, A. & Kuhn, G., (2023) “Don’t read this paper! Reverse psychology, contrast and position effects in a magician forcing technique.”, Journal of Performance Magic 7(1).


Pailhès, Lee & Kuhn (2022). Too Perfect To Be Good? An investigation of magicians' Too-Perfect Theory. PeerJ


Pailhès & Kuhn (2021). Mind control tricks: Magicians' forcing and free will. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 


Pailhès & Kuhn (2021). Reply to Cole: Magic and Deception - Do magicians mislead science? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Pailhès, Rensink, Kuhn. (2020). A Psychologically Based Taxonomy of Magicians’ Forcing Techniques: How magicians influence our choices, and how to use this to study psychological mechanisms. Consciousness and Cognition.


Pailhès, Kumari, & Kuhn. (2020). The Magician’s Choice: Providing illusory choice and sense of agency with the Equivoque forcing technique. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.


Pailhès & Kuhn (2020). Influencing choices with conversational primes: How a magic trick unconsciously influences card choices. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Pailhès & Kuhn (2020). The Apparent Action Causation: Using a magician forcing technique to investigate our illusory sense of agency over the outcome of our choices. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 


Pailhès & Kuhn (2020). Subtly encouraging more deliberate decisions: Using a forcing technique and population stereotype to investigate free will. Psychological Research


Kuhn, Pailhès & Lan (2020). Forcing you to experience wonder: Unconsciously biasing people’s choice through strategic physical positioning. Consciousness and Cognition, 80, 102902


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